Saturday, June 5, 2010

Moving wood to the driers II

Spent Friday loading up the truck and trailer for the drier. Here's the full load, which I loaded all by myself. This was way harder than doing it as a team of three. Note the posture indicating that I really wished I'd taken a water and lunch break instead of working for 4 1/2 hours straight. The planks are smaller than the hemlock, but they make for a heavy load. I had to floor the truck to get it up and over the hill on the way to Cowansville ... and, yes, we did have a little orange flag at the end of the lumber sticking outback of the trailer.

I was desperately tired and needed help unloading the wood, and to keep me focused on the drive to Cowansville. Here's Lisa at the driers with all the wood delivered so far. She's sitting on the hemlock. The rest is all hardwood. We were both pretty zonked afterward so we had a pizzaghetti dinner at Frelighsburg for dinner.

1 comment:

Claire Sherwood said...

Lisa looks great! the wood is nice too, and even Wern though he's exhausted. Go team KW!