Saturday, March 13, 2010

East side of house enclosed

We had a wintertime lull in the construction (including an overnight 2-foot dump of snow that left us shoveling out the house site) so I've been a little despondent about progress lately. But things are on track again after two beautiful weeks of sunshine and maple-sap-producing temperatures (above freezing during day, below freezing at night). We've had steady progress with carpenters on the site 5 days a week, plus 2 days with the mason installing the brick chimney (next post). The lack of rain has meant a relatively dry site during the early thaw, with dry roads that let trucks and trailers make it up Pinnacle Road without carving huge ruts in what's usually a very muddy road.

Note that the carpenters took advantage of the scaffolding on the east side and installed the windows in the cathedral part of the house. These are fixed windows that cannot really be accessed otherwise. It's very tempting to get the porch on right away, but other projects await.

1 comment:

Claire Sherwood said...

Love love to see the progress!