Saturday, January 29, 2011

Busy looking house site

Lots of work going on inside the house lately. Bathroom accessories, kitchen cabinets, washer driers, light fixtures, and staircases all make for a pile of cardboard boxes, wood scraps and assorted packaging junk. Lisa doesn't like this picture of the mess, but to me it means things are getting done. of curse, Lisa has been busier in the house than I have lately, so she has to look at the pile a lot more than I do.

Willy is in finishing the stairs and kitchen, while Eric is finishing the shower this week. The workbenches you see here are Willy's portable workshop.

In the bedroom, we're storing the pane of tempered glass that will wall off the shower from the rest of the bathroom (while allowing light to shine everywhere) as well as the screen door (minus the screen) that will face onto the front porch. Storage makes for strange bedfellows.

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