Sunday, September 5, 2010

Time to put on the soffits!

Here's Lisa checking out what was a humongous hornets nest growing under the gables of the south side of the house. Apparantly, the wasps and hornets like our house almost as much as we do. Gordie and Joey knocked down part of the nest with a long piece of Maibec, and Alex proceeded to finish it off with a can of raid. The warm weather we've been having probably helped to keep the nest growing. There are still a few angry looking hornets swarming around up there. Hopefully the cooler weather will keep the nest from growing again.

Several creatures have alrady visited the home. Early in the spring, chickadees would fly in the open doorways and not be able to find their way out again. Phoebe's made a nest in a few cornices, and the cat already hunted down a few mice that may their way in through open doorways. I think I heard a few squirrels scratching around in the roof above the kitchen too. Hopefully, having the doors installed and sealing up the soffits will prevent these visits in the future.

1 comment:

Claire Sherwood said...

This has become a wildlife preserve! Pinnacle Protectorate.