Saturday, November 1, 2008

Utility area

The utility area of the house is divided into the following areas:
  1. Woodstove and chimney
  2. Washed / Dryer / Water tank
  3. Wet wall
  4. Hydronic heating system
  5. Electrical junction box / Well tank
  6. Washer / Dryer wet wall, vent, and electrical service
Also shown are the approximate location and terminals of the following utility lines running under the slab to exterior services:
  1. Sewage drain
  2. Electrical power line
  3. Water line to well
The image at right gives an overview of the woodstove and washer drier area (areas 1 and 2) before rough in. I'm uncertain about the clearance required between the masonry chimney and main beam of the house.

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