Monday, September 1, 2008

Wall system

The wall system was proposed by William Lemaistre, the timber framer for this project; 8"Posts are supported by 10" sill beam.

The outside wall consists of a system of vertical trusses resting partially on the foundation, but mostly protruding out above the foundation. They held together by horizontal furring and anchored to the posts, sill beams, and rafter plates. The wall cavity is filled with blown cellulose insulation for and R-32 insulation value. Thick walls allow for deep windowsills, but will hang far over the foundation walls.

The frost wall is 8" thick and at least 16" tall. It is anchored and poured directly on the the impermeable rock of the building site and supports the load of the posts. 4" concrete or cinder-block pilasters support the load on the posts on the inside of the foundation. The foundation is filled on the interior by crushed stone and a top layer of sand to support a poured-concrete hydronic slab.

The frost wall is insulated on the outside by at least 6'' of polystyrene board and a finishing wall that will bring the below-ground wall system flush with the above-ground wall. The fill and the frost walls themselves act as heat sinks for the entire house and require R-Values higher than a standard foundation.

The sill system consists of 10'' thick by 6'' high beams that rest mostly on the frost walls, overlapping slightly with the pilasters and on the inside of the walls. The beams act as forms for the 4'' hydronic slab, providing extra R-14 insulation in addition to the R-32 wall system.

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